Winter, Spring & Summer

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Director Kitelet February 26, 2021

Colorful Kindergarten Snow People!

Dear Families,

It has been wonderful to see so many smiling faces back at GCS after being closed for February break.  The weather was definitely eventful as it sure did snow, and sleet, and rain!  I guess it was a good week for the inclement weather.  Hopefully, many of you had the opportunity for some family fun; skiing, sledding, making snow pals, or even the beloved shoveling of driveways and paths.   The sledding hill on our playground is full of fun, and the children are getting plenty of exercise hiking up with their sleds in tow and then delighting on the ride down.  They are definitely building up some muscle strength, as they take turns pulling one another around the playground.  Walking through the snow is hard work when you are only a few feet in height, especially when dressed in full winter gear!


We are back at work and play, enjoying our beautiful school and excited to see many new additions and changes along the way.  While the school was without children last week, beautiful window shades were installed in each room, along with darkening ones for those younger children that rest; classroom doors received a frosted treatment for privacy and security; a water bottle filling station hook up was complete; and some art work was added to the interior walls.  So many surprises and so much progress to notice and celebrate.  We recognize that good things take time, and we still have more to enjoy and anticipate.  Near future projects include some work in our staff room and adding some additional storage and furnishings to the library and common areas, along with planning for some playground projects (for which we will need your help as the weather continues to get warmer).

100 DAYS

Did you know that we have been in school this year for 100 days?  The Kindergarten pointed this out to us as they celebrated this milestone.  Each child in the Kindergarten Program created a special “100 Day” project, and our library was transformed into a museum so that each child in the school could get a ticket and walk through to see the amazing handmade projects on display.


Along with 100 days in the school year also comes registration for next year.  A reminder that enrollment forms are due today so please give us a call if you have any questions or concerns.  It will take us a few weeks to sort out all of the many requests and needs.  We will be in touch if we need further clarification on the information you provided and hope to have final enrollment letters out mid-March.  Thank you for your patience as we navigate the many challenges that have been bestowed upon us.


We are proud to say that Groton Community School continues to be healthy and safe throughout this pandemic.  This doesn’t happen without the diligence and commitment on behalf of both our staff and our families.  We are grateful for this team effort that had enabled us to keep our school filled with children and laughter throughout these difficult times.  Thank you!!


A special thank you to the volunteers who provided food & beverage for staff during our Curriculum Day:  Vanessa Black, Kate Engstrom, Sasha Harris, Elizabeth Ly, and Shauna Morrison.  And to our front entrance decorators, Shauna Morrison (Oct/Nov), Stephanie Morrison (Dec), and Emily Davis (Jan/Feb).  We also like to like to thank Karen Wiczynski for Girl Scout Cookies for the Staff and to Donna Halloran for her donation of quilt rods for the Aqua Room’s handmade quilts.


Just a reminder that GCS has changed our March Curriculum Day from March 11th to the 18thThere will be no school on Thursday, March 18th.