To celebrate our school year, all GCS Families are invited to our annual GCS Family Picnic hosted by our GCS Board of Directors! Join us at the Lawrence Memorial Playground (the playground/fields behind the Groton Public Library) starting at 5:30 PM on Friday, June 2nd (Rain Date Friday, June 9th).
Don’t miss this family-friendly event, complete with “sing-along, move-around, laugh-a-lot fun” led by children’s performer Steve Blunt!
Bring a blanket and a picnic dinner for your own family. Popsicles will be served to the children for dessert, with lots of family fun!!
Special thanks to Bruno’s Pizza in Groton for a very generous offer … They are donating 10% of take out orders by GCS Families for the Family Picnic to Groton Community School! Simply bring the Bruno’s Pizza Voucher 2017 to submit with your purchase.