Love Grows

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Director Kitelet June 2017

Dear GCS Families,

“…What really matters is not what we bought but what we built; not what we got but what we shared; not our competence but our character; and not our success, but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life of love.”

(author unknown)

Love Grows… the lyrics to the song that was sung all year long in our classrooms so nicely complemented our math theme, “It All Adds Up!”. So many wonderful moments of playing, growing, learning, and making of new friends occurred throughout this year. All of us here at GCS plant seeds for the future and hope that we instilled in your children those life lessons referred to in the above quote. Thank you for sharing your children with us and for making this year so fabulous in so many ways. We hope to see many of you over the summer months and in September. For those of you leaving us for good, please keep in touch, visit our Facebook and Instagram pages, and always reach out if we can ever be of any help.

Please click on the above PDF for the full newsletter!