Dear GCS Families,
Well, we are off to a terrific start to the new school year with many smiling faces and wonderful fun taking place in our classrooms! How lucky that the weather has been so beautiful and children have been able to spend time running, biking, and picking the last of the garden vegetables on our outside playscape. Feeling comfortable and settling into a new environment, meeting new friends and reacquainting with old, and becoming familiar with new routines are our most important goals during this first month.
Kindness, Peace & Love Day
We begin each school year with a special tradition at GCS. We all gathered together at our Memory Garden last Monday morning to embrace “Kindness, Peace, and Love Day.” This name was coined by our Kindergarten Teacher several years ago to remember September 11th. Our age-appropriate focus is always on the kindness and caring, rather than the tragic events themselves. We had a moving tribute that included holding the flag and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance together, as well as singing one of our favorite songs, “Red, White, and Blue.” We also talked about heroes and how everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Staying Informed
I hope families are enjoying classroom Curriculum Nights and are beginning to learn more about their child’s classroom. We are all here to help ensure that the school year is the best it can be for all of you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us at the front desk with any questions or concerns.
Watch Me Grow!
Each year, we embrace and highlight a school-wide theme in our classroom curricula, staff development opportunities, and other events. This year, our theme is “Watch me grow!” with the goal of helping teachers grow in their observation, documentation, and support of children’s growth and development. We are focusing on the “Growth Mindset” concept in both teachers and children, fostering a positive attitude and belief that you can develop talents and skills through hard work, persistence, good strategies, and help from others. We are hoping to raise awareness and be more purposeful in our teaching and in our interactions with young children.
Parenting Opportunity
One way to grow as educators and as parents is to take advantage of great resources on child development and education. We are spreading the word about an upcoming evening with Peter Gray who will speak about “The Importance of Play: What exactly is play, and why is it such a powerful vehicle for learning?” The event will be held at the Groton Dunstable Performing Arts Center, and is sponsored by the Florence-Roche Boutwell Parent Teacher Association, Defending the Early Years: A Project of the Progressive Education Network, and Kate Cunningham Design. Click on the Registration Link for more information and to sign-up for this exciting discussion.
Groton Community Home Tour
And finally, the fall is always such an exciting time here at GCS because we are in the midst of planning our annual Home Tour. This will be the 13th year that Groton Community School has hosted this amazing day of house touring, holiday shopping, and fun. You don’t want to miss it! So, save the date of Saturday, November 18th to take part in this exciting fundraiser that fully supports the children and programming of GCS. Please read more about our Home Tour on the school website.
Please join the community in celebrating a family fun-filled day at GrotonFest this Saturday, September 23rd, from 10 AM – 4 PM on Legion Common (rain date 9/24). Browse over 100 booths, including local artisans & businesses, animals, children’s activities, food, and entertainment. We invite you to stop by the GCS booth to say hello, where your child will have the opportunity to create an exciting craft to take home. Hope to see you there!
Congratulations to the Wilder family on the birth of Lincoln (brother, Oliver, is in the TTh AM Yellow Room); the Bonczar family on the birth of Taylor (brother, Ryan, is in the Toddler Room); the Halloran family on the birth of Ella (brother, Brayden, is in the Toddler Room); and the McCauley family on the birth of Ana (sister, Mia, is in the Toddler Room).
Thank You!
We are always so appreciative of our GCS families who provide food & beverages for meetings and special events here at GCS. We’d like to thank the following for baking and/or contributing snacks for Orientation Day: Andrea Barrett, Amy Begnoche, Jennifer Burke, Michelle Coffee-Currao, Melissa Dewing, Kate Ferriola, Donna Haggerty, Geunhyo Park, Shagufta Rahman, Heather Spinney-Laidlaw, and Trisha Winroth.
We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank families for various donations in September and over the summer months: The Barnes family for vegetable plants; the Bouris family for a math game; the Burgess family for Dunkin Donuts & Coffee for staff; the Carlson family for sand toys & Perler Beads; the Green family for flowers for the front desk; the Jackson family for Melissa & Doug puzzles and curriculum materials; Betsy Kehoe for fresh eggs & sandwich platter for staff; Sue Lizotte for office supplies; Agnes McKinney for recycled materials & markers; the Moeser family for a children’s library book; the Treadway family for a king puppet; and to the Walch family for staff snacks.
The start of school is such a busy and exciting time for young children and families. Please enjoy this wonderful start in your children’s development and embrace the many special moments that lie ahead. We are excited about the upcoming year and look forward to sharing the journey with you!
Linda Kosinski
Director, Groton Community School