Building and Growing our Future Together

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Soaring News February 2018

Drawing pictures, building with blocks, negotiating with friends…. these are things that the children at Groton Community School do each day thanks to people like you, who generously support our work.  What you may not know is that this is exactly what is going on with the grownups of the GCS community, too, as we prepare to build the first phase of our Forward Motion project this summer.  The future is almost here for GCS, and we need you more than ever to help these dreams for our school become a reality.

The Trustees and Forward Motion Steering Committee are pleased to announce the public phase of the school’s first ever, Capital Campaign this month! As architects put finishing touches on the construction drawings, we begin work with a general contractor, and we anxiously anticipate breaking ground for phase one of the project in June, it will take the support and investment of every member of the GCS family to bring the full Forward Motion project to life. Making a financial commitment that is personally meaningful to the Forward Motion Campaign will construct a bright future for children in our community.

The renovation of our building will be a game-changer for our beloved school as we have outgrown the space we’ve thrived in for 33 years. A spacious, multipurpose Community Room, a dedicated Children’s Library, Technology and Resource Center, enlarged classrooms, and new meeting spaces for teachers and families are among the many enhancements planned for our school. These, and other exciting improvements will allow GCS to continue providing the best first school experience for children and families, by flourishing, growing, and keeping pace with developments in early childhood education.

You can learn more about the vision for Forward Motion, and register to receive Insider Updates from our campaign Steering Committee, by visiting our website at  Stay tuned for your personal invitation to join other Groton Community School families, alumni, and business and community friends in helping GCS achieve all that is possible with Forward Motion.

Please click on the PDF above to read our entire newsletter!