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On Board Newsletter March 2018

It’s Spring at GCS!

As we (hopefully) say goodbye to cold temperatures, snow, and ice, the Board of Directors is happy to share what we’ve been working on the last few months and some exciting things to look forward to this spring. Don’t miss reports from our Committees below, including a final tally from our 2017 Home Tour!

As I watch the GCS staff work hard at registration for the next school year and also Camp Kaleidoscope, I want to remind you that one of the best ways to spread the word about GCS are references from families like you! Tell your friends about your experiences at GCS, or share your kind words on many of the online sites parents visit when researching early education centers; Facebook, Google, and Great Schools are just a few where you can spread the word about GCS!

I also wanted to extend a thank you to everyone who has contributed to the GCS Annual Fund. This endeavor is critical to maintaining the exceptional quality of our programs. Contributions can easily be made online or at the front desk; remember, all donations are tax-deductible. Thank you so much for your generosity and ongoing support. Every bit makes a difference for our school!

As always, we welcome your feedback, questions, and participation anytime!

Please talk to any member of the Board of Directors or email me at boardofdirectors@grotoncommunityschool.org.

Looking forward to warm weather!

Kate Ferriola

President, GCS Board of Directors


Please click on the PDF above to read the full newsletter, about our Board, fundraising, and info from our parent  and building and grounds representatives!