On Board Newsletter, Winter 2019
Although it seems like we just eased back into our normal routines after the holiday craziness, GCS is busier than ever! The Board is hard at work planning Spring events while the GCS staff has spent countless hours on observations and preparing registration for the 2019-2020 school year. GCS is supported by a village of hard-working people, and there are always ways – big or small – for parents to help. Spread the word about our fabulous school, chip in some time to our Spruce-Up efforts, or donate to the Annual Fund, which helps bridge the gap between tuition and operating expenses.
Speaking of spreading the word – we are just a few weeks away from our Annual Open House on Sunday, March 3 from 1 to 3 p.m., which gives prospective families a chance to see why we all love GCS so much. If you know of someone looking for an early education center, please encourage them to attend!
Don’t forget to read below for reports from our Committees on what they’ve been working on and what you can look forward to this Spring.
We welcome your feedback, questions, and participation anytime!
Kate Ferriola, President, GCS Board of Directors