Mark your calendars, GCS Families
Parent and Teacher Conference Day is on Friday, January 31st.
It doesn’t seem possible that we are now approaching the mid-year point in the 2019-2020 school year! Ongoing communication with families is a priority for us at Groton Community School. We informally touch base with families about their children and classroom happenings throughout the school year in many ways, such as emails, weekly notes, classroom newsletters, children’s portfolios, take-home bags, etc. Teachers are always available to families for any questions, concerns, and/or guidance desired.
We formally touch base with parents/guardians about their child’s growth and development two times per year. We begin in the fall with a phone conference, to discuss early school experiences, answer questions, and share parent and teacher goals for children. Our in-person Parent and Teacher Conference occurs at the end of January here at school. Together, parents/guardians and teachers discuss the school year so far, discuss progress from the beginning of the year, celebrate children’s successes, and set new goals. Teachers can also guide families on placement options for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year.
GCS Teachers will post a Conference Day Sign-up outside their classrooms for parents/guardians, along with alternative options to meet. Childcare is provided in the Big Room by GCS staff on Conference Day during individual conference times between the hours of 8 AM to noon and 1 to 4 PM, for children age 2 and older. GCS families are encouraged to please ask us about any questions they may have about written progress reports, conferences, and enrollment for the upcoming school year.
Happy New Year to our GCS children and families!