A very warm welcome to our new and returning GCS families!
In a year full of unprecedented changes, it is reassuring to know that some things remain the same. While Groton Community School has adapted its programs in order to keep our staff, families, and students safe, the warmth and care extended to each member of our Groton Community School community has not changed. Our children continue to amaze us with their resilience and flexibility. We are so grateful for each person who is playing a role in providing this continuity to our students and their families.
This school year is particularly exciting for the GCS as it is our 75th and this excitement is reflected in our theme, Roots and Wings. While we look back and reflect on so many years of providing children with the most positive first school experience, we also look forward to moving into our beautifully renovated home at 110 Boston Road. The funding for this renovation is the result of countless hours of dedicated work by volunteers and many, many generous donations by our community. The education, fun, and nurturing care provided in this new site will impact students and families in our community for decades to come.
Cindi Lane-Hand
President, GCS Board of Directors