2019-2020 Annual Report

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Soaring - Annual Report October 2020

Still Soaring Fall 2020


This past school year certainly was like no other in Groton Community School’s seventy-five-year history. We started the year off strong in our temporary home and finished the year in our “own homes” for remote learning!  We frequently hear that we are living in  unprecedented times”.  While this is true, I am choosing to focus on one remarkable fact: As challenging as the last seven months have been, you, our supporters, have stood by GCS and the children we serve like never before.

On the pages of this booklet, we celebrate and honor you and all you make possible with your gift to the school’s Annual Fund every year. Sure, the end of the school year looked a bit different last spring, but the impact your gift had on the children of GCS was just as meaningful. The vital work to teach, help, and support young children continued, despite the physical separation we experienced. When GCS teachers needed to change course, quickly learn new technology, and design a new way to deliver curriculum, you were there. We felt your presence in every Zoom meeting, in each physically
distanced visit, and in our efforts to meaningfully connect with our school’s young children and families.

The challenges the pandemic created were like no other we have faced, but the GCS community is resilient and has proven to be very adaptable. When we needed you most, you stepped up for GCS, and for this, we are truly grateful. Thank you for all that you do to support Groton Community School.

With Gratitude,
Linda Kosinski, Director
Groton Community School
Celebrating 75 years Helping Children Soar


Your gift to the GCS Annual Fund last year made many wonderful things possible for our community’s young children. The Annual Fund is an integral part of the overall operating budget, supplementing the gap between tuition and fees and the actual cost to maintain a thriving program. Here are just some of the ways you made a difference in the 2019-2020 school year.

Exceptional Teachers
Like all independent schools, tuition alone does not cover the full cost of running the program. Your donation supports the most extensive line item in the GCS budget, teacher salaries and benefits, which account for 88% of the overall organizational expenses. As you know, a school can have the most modern building and the latest curriculum. Still, a dedicated group of professional educators is essential in delivering the highest quality early childhood education. Your gift makes this possible at GCS.

Children’s Library
A portion of last year’s Annual Fund allowed us to create a beautiful Children’s Library in our temporary GCS home. To make a functional and comfortable space for our young friends, we purchased a child-friendly table and chairs. We also added colorful rugs, bean bag chairs, and specially made risers along with headphones and magnetic boards. The addition of some custom wall décor completed the space. We are fortunate that all the items will find a home in our newly renovated building when we make our way back to 110 Boston Road later this school year. Thank you for making the Children’s Library come to life and for your investment in the children of GCS!

Your donation to the Annual Fund every year matters every day!

“Play is the royal road to childhood happiness and adult brilliance.” – JOSEPH CHILTERN PEARCE

Focusing on the good things to come is a surefire way to lift your spirits when facing challenging times. Now is certainly a great opportunity to turn our thoughts to the exciting next chapter that awaits Groton Community School.

Later this school year we will return to our newly expanded and renovated building at 110 Boston Road. A great deal of work will be completed such as larger and brighter classrooms, a new lobby gathering area and our much-anticipated Children’s Library. There will, however, still be much to do to realize all of the dreams we have for our beloved school!

Here is a sneak peek at the future plans for the renovated outside Playscape and Dismissal areas. A large portion of our 2020-21 Annual Fund will support the work required to update the child-friendly outdoor playscape, updating and creating space for children to play, explore, and grow. The Annual Fund will also help to create a new and all important Dismissal Area. This space will streamline the pick-up process for teachers and families and support an easy transition for the children between home and school.

Your gift to this year’s Annual Fund will help GCS children continue to soar! We couldn’t do any of this without you.

GCS Playscape Plan September 2020

Susan Randazzo and Stuart Schulman have been members of the Groton Community for
almost five decades. In the mid-eighties, they first learned about Groton Community School when looking for an early school experience for their older child, Dan. Of the schools they
considered, GCS had the best reputation, was close to home, and at that time, was in a brand new building. Dan headed off to GCS first, followed by his sister Leah three years later.

“We were impressed with the class size and that the teachers genuinely knew the children. The staff appreciated each child and their individuality, so the children, and ultimately the families, did not feel anonymous. We enthusiastically recommend the school when people ask,” Susan shared.

Stuart added, “I think of GCS as a caring, upbeat, joyful place where the children and families are known well. Kind of like, Cheers! GCS has been a mainstay in Groton for decades; it has staying power. It is impressive that the small school that began all those years ago stuck to its mission and purpose and continued to grow over time. We lost touch for a while after our children moved on and became involved again when we were contacted about supporting the GCS Annual Fund.”

When asked why donating to GCS is important to them, Susan said, “As a family, we value being engaged with the community and supporting the work of nonprofit organizations, in particular early education. When you believe in a cause, it always feels good to give. Our priority is to donate to small, local organizations where we know our gift will truly have an impact.”

Susan and Stuart have supported the Annual Fund every year since its inception in 2012. Giving is actually a family affair, as their son Dan is a GCS donor as well!

“If someone were thinking about donating to Groton Community School, I would encourage them to do so. I would also remind them how important it is to have a resource like this with its history and reputation in our
community,” commented Stuart. GCS has a young Annual Fund. Like all independent schools, tuition alone never covers the entire cost of running the organization. Every donation makes a difference and positions the school to continue thriving for the next 75 years.

Stuart and Susan are well known in the community. Many people are aware that Susan is one of the founders of Indian Hill Music, and that she served as the organization’s Executive Director for eighteen years. You may also know that Stuart served as a Selectman in town. On a more personal front, they enjoy cooking, hiking, reading, and making music. He plays the violin, and she plays the cello. A favorite pandemic pastime has been their regular “dates” to read The Magic Treehouse series via Skype with their grandchildren.

END OF YEAR PARADE After several months of physical distancing, the entire GCS community came together for a huge, very happy parade to celebrate wrapping up the school year. We are very grateful to the Groton Police Department and the Groton community for their role in making such a fantastic, socially distant event possible.
Please click on the PDF above to read our full Annual Report and acknowledge our generous donors!