Dear GCS Families:
Happy 2021…a new year that we are all hoping will bring about good health and eventually, take us back to some sense of normalcy. We are so proud to have been able to safely serve children and families amidst this crazy time. Like the rest of the world, we are learning and changing each and every day as we keep up with the influx of health and safety information and updated licensing guidance. A tremendous “thank you” to all of you, our families, for being diligent, cooperative, understanding, and patient. We know things are anything but normal, and life at home can be very hectic. We are so grateful to all of you, and to our fabulous staff, for helping to make this possible!!
The most exciting aspect of 2021 is that we opened up the year back “HOME” in our newly renovated and expanded school. We are loving our gorgeous new space, relishing in the wider hallways, watching children play through the beautiful big windows into the backyard play space, and excited about the possibilities that someday soon, we can spend time in our library and travel into other classes through shared doors. We are anxious to be able to share the space with all of you, too! We do still have many projects ahead of us, which include landscaping and playground work. We will definitely be looking for some muscle and time as the warmer weather approaches. Stay tuned…
With the end of January directly upon us, we are excited to celebrate and share the many small and big successes of your children. Teachers have been working hard on Children’s Observations, which will be distributed to families early next week. It is always so exciting to read about your child’s growth, interests, social endeavors, and goals. We are looking forward to Friday, February 5th, for Parent/Teacher Conference Day at GCS. Typically, we are open and able to offer childcare so that conferences can be held and you can have some time to meet without interruptions. Like everything, this day will be different this year. Staff will be on site for the day, and conferences will be held via Zoom. Teachers have sent out an online Sign-up Genius so that you can work together to find convenient times to connect. Registration for next year is also on the horizon. We know you are all anxiously awaiting so that you can solidify plans. We have been waiting for updated guidance from the state as we all try to predict what our world will look like in September. Be on the look-out for information packets near the end of next week. We know this can be a stressful time for families, so please let us know if we can assist you in any way.
There is still time to make donations to the school’s Annual Fund. We hope to use a portion of this year’s funding to help with additions and renovations to our outside playscape!
Congratulations to the Monahan family on the birth of their daughter (sister, Augusta, is in the TTh PM Blue Room) and to the Yeager family on their birth of their son (brother, Antonio, is in the MWF PM Blue Room).
Numerous families were very helpful for our move! We had so many donations of boxes – so many that we could not keep track! – but special acknowledgement goes to the Julian family for brand new cardboard boxes, the Freeman family for a car load, the MacIsaac family for boxes & packing supplies, and the Lopez family for packing supplies and a hand truck. We would also like to acknowledge amazing packing and unpacking volunteers: Natina, Brian and Carlo Perrotti; Peter Myette; Jen Burke; Kaitlyn Brokaw; Kelly Lopez; Betsy Freeman; Kathleen, Randy, Drew and Ashley Barron; Betsy, Isabella and Olivia Kehoe; Whitney MacIsaac; Joshua and Ryan Kosinski; Molly Laurano. A shout out goes to BP Movers, Inc. for a fantastic team and move from 14 Main Street back home to 110 Boston Road!
A special thanks to the following families for providing breakfast, snacks, and a delicious lunch for Staff for Teacher Appreciation Week as teachers were hard at work writing Children’s Observations: Cassie Buck, Jennifer Burke, Lindsay Farrington, Kristen Frank, Jena Fritz, Stacie Giannetta, Angela Gibney, Jennifer Halloran, Sasha Harris, Josephine Kramer, Elizabeth Ly, Shelby Morris, Colleen Neff, Jenn Pollock, Erin Rauker, Meg Waite, Karen Wiczynski & Cathy Wong.
We’d also like to thank the following families for their donations to the school over the past couple of months: The Burke family for winter clothing; the Delaney family for children’s hallway hooks; the Gibney family for school supplies; Cassondra Kingsley & LuLaRoe for a portion of proceeds of clothing sales; Debbie MacDonald for Staff snacks; the Silva/DiCarlo family for extra crib sheets; the Walch family for Staff snacks; and the Wiczynski family for Staff snacks & winter clothing. Finally, an extra special thanks to Debbie & Scott MacDonald & Sterilite for their donation of baskets & shelving units for the new school.
Linda Kosinski, GCS Director
- Friday, February 5th, Parent/Teacher Conference Day, NO SCHOOL
- Monday, February 8th, Zoom Board Meeting, 7:30 PM
- Week of February 15th, Winter Break, NO SCHOOL