February Fun and Fans

Treat Yourself!

We hope you can join us for a Valentine’s “Gal-entines” Tea and Dessert Making Workshop on Sunday, February 12th at 1 PM.  Be the star of your family’s Superbowl Sunday, bringing home a scrumptious tray of treats!

Tickets available at: www.eventbrite.com/e/valentines-day-gal-entines-tea-dessert-making-workshop-tickets-513588796917

All proceeds benefit GCS


Love GCS? Write a Review!

There are a variety of ways to show your LOVE for Groton Community School, help other families researching Preschool and Kindergarten find their perfect ‘match’ by writing a quick review!  Popular review sites include: Great SchoolsCare.com,  Private School ReviewFacebook, and Google! Your testimonial is always welcome for the GCS website too.  Just send us your review!