Welcome To a New Look

GCS road sign

A Fresh New Take on our GCS Website!

We hope you will enjoy our new format and features to highlight everything that makes GCS the best that it can be for children, families, staff members, and our community. Please take a few moments to browse our up-to-date website, designed to be responsive wherever you are, whether you are on a desk top, lap top, tablet, or cell phone. A new search feature at the top of the page will guide you in finding out everything you would like to know about us!

Our redesign goal was to make our website as user-friendly as possible, for current families, for potential families, and also to connect with our greater community.  Those familiar with our old site will still see all the essential information about our school’s philosophy, programs, and staff, in addition to new areas, such as our Family Login, dedicated to the needs and interests of current GCS families.  The red call-to-action buttons at the bottom of the page are designed to help potential families to schedule a tour and enroll their children, enable community members to learn more about us by signing up for newsletters, and also make it easy for anyone in our community to make a donation to our non-profit children’s center.

We take the “community” in our school name seriously! We value creating a sense of belonging within each classroom and at the school overall, as well as reaching out to the community beyond our walls.  To this end, have created our new GCS Blog, which will be featured on the home page, with current events and topics to share.  We will also highlight our most recent Director “Kitelets”, “On Board” newsletters from our Board of Directors, and community-wide “Soaring” newsletters for easy access in this area on the home page, in addition to being available in our News archive.

Special thanks to to the team at Digital Artisans for our GCS website redesign and development.  We are indebted to them for their artistic eye and technical expertise.  Our sincere thanks also goes to Michael Brothers Photography for many of the amazing photos used throughout our new site.

Please let us know what you think of our new approach, and also how we can continually enhance our communication with you!


Lisa Stafford, Assistant Director