A Year of Adapting and Connecting Together

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On Board Newsletter July 2021

On Board Newsletter, Summer 2021

It is hard to believe the 2020-2021 school year has come to a close. While we started this year not quite sure what to expect, we have certainly ended it with a deep sense of gratitude. Despite the unexpected challenges resulting from the pandemic, our Board of Directors adapted quickly, collaborated creatively, and accomplished so much. Whether it was recreating a time honored event or creating new opportunities to learn a fun skill and connect with others, I am so proud of what we were able to offer and so grateful for the support we received from the community. Please take a moment to learn about these Board Happenings and accomplishments and please save the date for the GCS Community Tour on October 16th!

This summer you can stay connected through the GCS website and all our various social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Our GCS online calendar will be updated with important dates as they become available. On behalf or our Board of Directors, thank you for your support and generosity this past year. Have a wonderful summer and hope to see some of you at GCS Camp, in the fall at school, and if you’ve moved on, in the community.


Cindi Lane-Hand

President, GCS Board of Directors



Want to have fun and help GCS grow? Join the Board!

The GCS Board of Directors supports daily school operations and assists the staff in creating a strong community for the entire school. Members play an important role in fundraising efforts and spearheading many fun events. Get an inside glimpse at how it all works, a stronger connection with the staff and teachers, and make some great new friends!  Interested?  The Board of Directors is always looking for new members to join our team!  Feel free to speak with any Board of Directors member, email us or join us at our upcoming meetings in August and/or September.

We have a few positions open–something for everyone! Come learn alongside an experienced member in a co-chair role. Are you creative, enjoy hosting events, and want to support keeping tuition low? Join the fundraising team! Is landscaping your jam? Do you like to coordinate repair projects (you don’t have to do it yourself!) – help out with Buildings and Grounds! Are you a social media master? Spread the word about how awesome GCS is with the PR team!

We have a positive, fun group of parents/guardians happy to jump in and welcome you on Board. Please reach out anytime!

Come see what we’re all about at any of our monthly meetings. All are welcome!

To attend a meeting email Laura Cummings at: boardofdirectors@grotoncommunityschool.org


Buildings and Grounds Update:

The 2020-21 school year meant NEW Building & Grounds!! However, there is still more work to be done. The playground was not part of the Forward Motion Project to expand the school and therefore needed some repair and updates. We are SO thankful for all volunteers who were able to help with our small fall fix-up and TWO Spring Spruce-ups. Children are enjoying our new swing set and we have our balancing logs, back. There are more enhancements to come! During our time at 14 Main St., we discovered children LOVE the ‘whizzy dizzy’ structures! They will be an important addition at 110 Boston Rd. We are also working to rebuild the Memory Garden and reinstall the Peace Pole in a new gathering space.

If you are interested in helping with any task/project or have suggestions, please reach out to buildingandgrounds@grotoncommunityschool.org ANYTIME!


Parent Representative Update

The Board would like to recognize the amazing efforts of the 2020-2021 Room Parents. In a year like no other, our GCS Room Parents stepped up and helped contribute to an amazing and successful school year. We truly appreciate all of their efforts in fundraising, teacher appreciation efforts and general morale during these unusual times. We acknowledge the difficulties of not being able to be together inside our beautiful new building but you all still made this year so special for our community.

We would also like to show our gratitude to our gracious GCS Volunteer Bakers. The contributions they provide always add such a special touch to our various events. We greatly appreciate everyone’s hard work throughout the year!

Questions? Reach out to Beth Christoforo and Christina Sutherland, Parent Representatives at: parentrepresentatives@grotoncommunityschool.org


Fundraising Update – Every Bit Counts!

We are so grateful to all of the GCS families for your willingness to volunteer your time and participate in our fundraisers. They not only help balance our budget and keep our tuition rates affordable, they provide meaningful opportunities to participate in your child’s educational experience. We had a very successful year again this year, raising a $22,947! Thank you for your continued support and generosity!!

Keep GCS in Mind This Summer!

Volunteer on the Community Tour Planning Committee – contact Cindi Lane Hand at hometour@grotoncommunityschool.org to find out how you can help out over the summer! The Community Tour Committee has been hard at work making alternative plans (as we cannot offer our usual Home Tour due to COVID-19 again this year) and we’ll need your help!

Keep scanning those grocery receipts for Box Tops!

When placing an order on Amazon.com, remember to switch to smile.amazon.com select GCS!


A Fond Farewell to Outgoing Board Members

With the close of the school year, we would like to thank the outgoing  Board of Directors  members for their tremendous service to Groton Community School: Emily Crouse (Buildings and Grounds), Rebecca Freeman (Secretary) and Megan Petka (Fundraising).

Board and Staff Social June 2021


2021-2022 Board of Directors 

Cindi Lane-Hand, President

Laura Cummings, Vice President

Linda Kosinski, Director

Lisa Stafford, Assistant Director

Terri Martin, Full Day Coordinator and Summer Camp Director

Colleen Neff, Treasurer

Caere Monahan, Secretary

Brie Weider and {open}, Public Relation

Kelly Lopez and {open}, Buildings and Grounds

Kaitlyn Brokaw and {open}, Fundraising

Beth Christoforo and Christina Sutherland, Parent Representatives

{open}, Members-at-Large


Contributors to the 2020-2021 Annual Fund

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the generous contributions to this year’s Annual Fund. Your donation makes a difference for every child at GCS. These gifts are spent on the area of greatest need the year the gift is made.

There is still time to donate!

The 2020-2021 Annual Fund runs through Aug. 31. 


Donate Here Now


Board of Trustees

Eric* and Katie Bach

Kathleen and Randall* Barron

John Conner*

Scott and Betsy* Kehoe

Deborah* and Scott MacDonald

Rob* and Laura Moore

David Moulton*

Peter* and Andrea Myette

Steve* and Nancy Webber


Board of Directors

Scott and Kaitlyn* Brokaw

Beth* and John Christoforo

The Crouse Family

Laura Cummings* and Joseph Walch

Becky* and Casey Freeman

Ed Hand and Cindi* Lane-Hand

Kelly Lopez*

Michael and Colleen* Neff

Kyle and Megan* Petka

Michael and Christina* Sutherland

Evan and Brie* Weider


Past Board of Directors

Sarah* and Jim Belcher

Michael and Jennifer* Burke

Matt and Kate* Ferriola

Christopher and Christiane* Gorycki

Debbie and Kevin Kennedy

Krista and Jeff Kubick

Brett Laidlaw and Heather Spinney-Laidlaw*

Cynthia Maxwell*

Agnes McKinney*

Geoff and Stacie* Moeser

Catherine* and Eric Pauly

The Pember Family

Paul and Hannah* Pugh

David & Karen Riggert

Kelly* and David Rowe

Trisha* and Scott Winroth


Current Staff

Steve and Jennie* Fitzkee

Rick and Noreen* Keras

Linda Kosinski*

Heidi May*

Jon and Lorrie* Morgan

Mike and Debbie* Penney

Lisa Stafford*

Bonnie Stanton* and Dave Quintin


Past Staff

Sandy* and Dan Irvin

Greg and Cynthia* Premru


Current Families


Andrew and Emily Davis

The Dragotas Family

Kate and Steve Engstrom

Jarred and Amanda Gagnon

Andrew and Jennifer Halloran

Joshua and Jennifer Pollock

Jim and Liz Welch

The Vella Family


Past Families

Jonathan Blandford and Rosanna Yuen

Anne and Gerry Cahill

Niels and Dorothy Christiansen

Richard Fichera and Julie Rodwin

Lee Muir-Haman and Mark S. Haman

The Hawes Family

Jim and Lori Herberich

Linda Hoffman

Molly and Colin Igoe

Stephen Janes

Joshua and Amy Kritzer

Jon and Julie Kujala

Cliff Maxwell

Lon and Katie Novak

Raj and Priya Palakkal

Ron and Evann Peck

Jessica, Alan, Gabriel & Jacob Quinn-Miller

Raynor-Peters Family

Michael and Martha Resch

Steve & Cindy Rizzo

The Robertson Family

Susan Randazzo and Stewart Schulman

Steven and Jennifer Stone

David and Pamela Stone

Bill and Cheryl Townsend

Alfred and Kristen von Campe

The Yost Family



Robert Dermody

John Ellenberger and Patti Thompson

Ryan Kosinski

Joshua Kosinski

Anna MacDonald

Gabriel and Jacob Miller-Quinn

Carlo Perrotti



Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cornellier

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Driscoll

Robert and Donna Halloran

Miriam and Stephen Helfgott

Peter and Maura Morrison

John and Janet O’Brien

Mr. Albert Stone

Charles James Vella

Mary B. Wills


Friends of GCS

Bemis Community Investment Fund of the Community Foundation of N. Central Mass.

Dave and Jackie Clericuzio

Art and Mickey DeLucia

Tim and Rowe Luca

Gerard Tarpey and Linda Luca


Matching Gifts

Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation

Johnson Controls

Raytheon Companies

*Indicates past or present service to Groton Community School