GCS Blog


28 Oct, 2022 | News from the DirectorClick to view this PDF

Director Kitelet October 2022

October 2022 Dear Families, Well, we certainly have been spoiled by some very warm weather as of late.  Despite the rain during the past week, there were still many opportunities for classrooms to spend time outside on our beautiful Playscape.  Let’s hope the warmer temperatures continue into next month, as extra playground time is especially… Read More

On Board

30 Sep, 2022 | News from the Board of DirectorsClick to view this PDF

On Board Newsletter September 2022

A heartfelt welcome to our new and returning GCS families! I’ve enjoyed seeing many familiar and new smiling faces over the first days of school as we settle into new routines. This year, we look to reinstating many of the traditions we have cherished at GCS – family presence in classrooms at drop off times,… Read More


16 Sep, 2022 | News from the DirectorClick to view this PDF

Director Kitelet September 2022

Dear Families, What a wonderful start to the school year we have all had together, welcoming new families and reuniting with familiar faces.  While perhaps a few tears were shed here and there, most children have settled in nicely, learning new routines, and developing new friendships. It is so nice to see the playground full… Read More

On Board

15 Jul, 2022 | News from the Board of DirectorsClick to view this PDF

On Board Newsletter Summer 2022

On Board Newsletter, Summer 2022 Hello Summer! It feels like a true accomplishment to conclude the 2021-2022 school year! There were a lot of challenges along the way, though truthfully it felt like that far more for the adults than the children. The children maintained their smiles, optimism, delight and love of school without batting… Read More


29 Jun, 2022 | News for our CommunityClick to view this PDF

Soaring Newsletter June 2022

Soaring Newsletter Summer 2022 Community Supports GCS at Bid It Forward Wine Sampling and Auction On a recent Saturday evening, community members gathered at the beautiful Groton Inn for our 2022 Bid It Forward event. After two years of postponing, GCS was able to host the in-person component to complement the online auction. Friends of… Read More


22 Jun, 2022 | News for our CommunityClick to view this PDF

Soaring News June 2022

Dear Families, Another fabulous school year has come to a close.  It is always so hard to believe just how fast June seems to have rolled around.  The school has been busy and full of celebrations, music and shows, ice cream socials, special guests, art portfolio sharing, our GCS family picnic… and even a few… Read More


29 Apr, 2022 | News from the DirectorClick to view this PDF

Director Kitelet April 29, 2022

Dear Families, Welcome back after a wonderful spring vacation week of beautiful weather.  I hope you found some time for fun, rest, and a nice change of pace.   It is always so delightful to see families and smiling children back in our school and greeting their friends.  The school was certainly busy with some exciting… Read More