GCS Blog

On Board

23 Mar, 2022 | News from the Board of DirectorsClick to view this PDF

On Board Newsletter Spring 2022

On Board Newsletter, Spring 2022 HAPPY SPRING! Finally, a Spring that feels like the hope and promise of brighter days ahead is finally achievable! No doubt the pandemic has affected us all, in countless ways, and we are all ready for a season of normalcy. It has been quite a long road, and I think… Read More


28 Feb, 2022 | News from the DirectorClick to view this PDF

Director Kitelet 2022-02-28

Dear Families, How wonderful it always is to welcome back so many smiling faces after the Winter Break.  I hope you all had the opportunity to enjoy the many activities that this time of year lends itself to.  The weather certainly brought just the right amount of snow for some wintry fun together.  We will… Read More


31 Jan, 2022 | News from the DirectorClick to view this PDF

Director Kitelet January 31, 2022

Dear Families: Happy New Year, and welcome to what we hope will be a healthy and less eventful 2022.  Fingers crossed that this journey we have been on will turn a corner to calmer times!!  It has definitely become an opportunity to reflect on where we have been, recognize our priorities, and seek out ways… Read More


23 Dec, 2021 | News from the DirectorClick to view this PDF

Director Kitelet December 23, 2021

Dear Families,   The wintry weather has begun to show its true colors during this last week of school before our holiday break.  The playground has been cold, and the children are anxiously awaiting the snow so they can sled, create snow pals, and relish in the white fluffy stuff!  The school is full of… Read More


30 Nov, 2021 | News from the DirectorClick to view this PDF

Director Kitelet 2021-11-30

Dear GCS Families, Have you heard? To the children’s delight, the Whizzy Dizzys have finally arrived! They have been on back order for many months, and thanks to a group of dedicated staff members and families, they were installed during our volunteer Fall Fix-Up Day earlier this month. And what is a Whizzy Dizzy you might ask? It is… Read More


12 Nov, 2021 | News for our CommunityClick to view this PDF

Soaring - Annual Report Fall 2021

ANNUAL REPORT 2020-2021 LETTER FROM OUR LEADERSHIP There is so much to look forward to as we eagerly begin our first full school year in our beautiful and spacious new building. The most important of these things is our welcoming of our children and families back to GCS! I know these past two years have… Read More


29 Oct, 2021 | News from the DirectorClick to view this PDF

Director Kitelet October 29, 2021

October 29, 2021 Dear Families, There certainly has been some tumultuous weather over the course of the past several days.    We are so grateful not to be one of those hard-hit communities that is still without power.  While our fun on the playground has been unpredictable with all of the rain, classes have found short… Read More