
Hours of Operation:

Groton Community School’s hours of operation are 8 AM to 5 PM.


Groton Community School issues a school calendar, including holidays, vacations, opening and closing of classes, and curriculum days each August. Our calendar generally follows the Groton-Dunstable school district’s legal holidays and vacations. However, Groton Community School reserves the right to schedule our year to reflect the best interest of our programs.

Click below for PDF versions of our current calendars:

School Year 2024-2025 Final

GCS Camp Calendar 2025


Groton Community School is automatically closed when the Groton-Dunstable School District is closed due to bad weather.  Local TV and radio networks post school closings for area schools.  Don’t forget to look for the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District on all news media.  We have built five snow days into our calendar.  Should more than five occur, they will be made up during the school year.

Families may choose to receive notice by phone of school closings or delays through our Parent Reach phone notification system. Whenever possible, we also post school closings and delays on our school website and Facebook

ANY delayed opening by the Groton-Dunstable School District will result in a 1-hour delay for Groton Community School children, with GCS opening at 9 AM and half day classes beginning at 9:45 AM. 

If the public school closing is not relevant to Groton Community School and GCS will remain open, we will notify families through our Parent Reach emergency phone notification system.  When Groton Community School is open during inclement weather, parents/guardians are encouraged to make their own personal decisions regarding attendance for their children.