GCS Blog

Making Connections and Caring

Apr, 2017

Sergeant Curran Huff Making connections with different people and places, different ages and stages, is something we encourage and highly value at GCS!  We would like to share a recent story of connection and caring from the Aqua Room… Curran Huff is an Army Sergeant stationed in Afghanistan.  His family has many connections with Groton… Read More

Mathematicians in the Making!

Mar, 2017

Supporting the Development of Young Mathematicians  Our Curriculum Day this week was so wonderful.   It is always so incredibly valuable to gather together as an entire staff for collaboration and training, so we truly appreciate the time.  We are continuing our focus on our year-long theme of “It All Adds Up!” with emphasis on the… Read More

A Great Investment Tip: Investing in Children’s Futures!

Feb, 2017

Every great journey begins with a plan, a starting point and road map that leads to a destination successfully.  For our children, one of the most important journeys is their education.  That is why high quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs, like the ones offered at Groton Community School, play a critical role in launching… Read More

Returning to School Roots

Feb, 2017

Groton Community School alumni frequently stop by to visit.  After all, GCS has a positive impact on children and families, and good things stick.  When an alum is a child who attended GCS the very first year in our current building, 1984 to be exact, that is very special.  That alumna is Michelle Ruby. Michelle… Read More