GCS Happenings

Grow with Us!

May, 2023

You are Invited! GCS Parents are invited to our Parent Social on Wednesday, May 17th to thank our 2022-2023 Room Parents!  We hope you can join us for refreshments and a fun planting activity, and enjoy mingling with other parents and our Board of Directors! Please RSVP to boardofdirectors@grotoncommunityschool.org    

GCS Spring Spruce Up 2023

Apr, 2023

Roll Up Your Sleeves! Come meet up with GCS staff and other parents while we make the playground that you hear so much about shine! Even an hour or two of your time will be a big help.  In conjunction with fundraisers, the Spring Spruce-up is one of several ways GCS volunteers are able to keep… Read More

Grown-up and Me Crafting Event

Mar, 2023

Join us for a GCS Spring Workshop! The next workshop in our Board of Directors hosted series is for adults AND children!  We hope you can join us on Sunday, April 2nd from 2 to 4 PM. This is an afternoon of fun spring crafts to enjoy together. The event will take place in-person at… Read More

We hope you can join us!

Feb, 2023

GCS Open House 2023 Groton Community School is delighted to host an in person Open House on Sunday, March 5th from 11 AM – 3 PM!  Our event will serve two purposes and has two time frames.  We will welcome families with young children who are interested in future enrollment during the first portion from 11… Read More

February Fun and Fans

Feb, 2023

Treat Yourself! We hope you can join us for a Valentine’s “Gal-entines” Tea and Dessert Making Workshop on Sunday, February 12th at 1 PM.  Be the star of your family’s Superbowl Sunday, bringing home a scrumptious tray of treats! Tickets available at: www.eventbrite.com/e/valentines-day-gal-entines-tea-dessert-making-workshop-tickets-513588796917 All proceeds benefit GCS   Love GCS? Write a Review! There are… Read More

Chance Calendar 2022-23

Nov, 2022

Take – or Give – a Chance to Win! Our GCS Chance Calendar 2022-2023 makes a wonderful gift!  Give it as gift this holiday season, or treat yourself, with chances to win amazing daily prizes in January! Click to learn more:  Chance Calendar  

Take a Chance on Great Prizes!

Nov, 2022

GCS Chance Table 2022 Tickets are now on sale! We are pleased to open two Chance opportunities this year!  Our GCS Chance Table has always been popular at our Groton Community Home Tour and Groton Community Tour events.  This year, we are continuing our tradition of amazing classroom baskets for blue tickets. You may purchase… Read More