

23 Oct, 2017 | News from the Director Click to view this PDF

Director's Newsletter October 2017

Dear Families, Happy fall, although the weather feels like spring and on some days, even summer! Having extended time outside while the sun is shining is always a welcomed time, especially when there are piles of leaves to rake up and jump into. While the school year seems like it just started such a short… Read More

On Board

05 Oct, 2017 | News from the Board of Directors Click to view this PDF

On Board Newsletter Fall 2017

Welcome back to all of our GCS families from the Board of Directors! Fall is such an exciting time at GCS, from making new friends to learning new things. We hope that all of our families have transitioned well into the 2017-2018 school year. In addition to the Weekly Email Updates that you have been receiving,… Read More


21 Sep, 2017 | News from the Director Click to view this PDF

Director Kitelet September 2017

Dear GCS Families, Well, we are off to a terrific start to the new school year with many smiling faces and wonderful fun taking place in our classrooms! How lucky that the weather has been so beautiful and children have been able to spend time running, biking, and picking the last of the garden vegetables… Read More


07 Sep, 2017 | News for our Community Click to view this PDF

Soaring September 2017

Generous Community Members Donate $60,000 to GCS Annual Fund Groton Community School gratefully acknowledges our Annual Fund donors in this special issue of our Soaring newsletter. Their commitment to GCS helps provide an unparalleled first school experience to the children in our community. Over the past five years, the Annual Fund has grown from 60 donors and $20,000 in its first year, to… Read More


30 Jun, 2017 | News for our Community Click to view this PDF

Soaring June 2017

We were extremely honored to receive a very special and personal visit this spring from the MA Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) Commissioner, Tom Weber. EEC is the state licensing and regulations agency that oversees all Early Childhood Programs here in Massachusetts to ensure health, safety, and quality of curriculum content. Our own… Read More

On Board

29 Jun, 2017 | News from the Board of Directors Click to view this PDF

On Board June 2017

Summer Has Arrived and we would like to thank you for another great school year at GCS! It is amazing to think about all that we, as families, have accomplished at GCS over the past year, from the fun family events to the outstanding outdoor grounds support during the Fall Fix-Up and Spring Spruce-Up.  We also had… Read More


14 Jun, 2017 | News from the Director Click to view this PDF

Director Kitelet June 2017

Dear GCS Families, “…What really matters is not what we bought but what we built; not what we got but what we shared; not our competence but our character; and not our success, but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life of love.” (author unknown) Love Grows… the lyrics to the song… Read More