
On Board

02 Jul, 2016 | News from the Board of Directors Click to view this PDF

On Board Newsletter Summer 2016

On Board Newsletter Summer 2016 Summer has arrived! We would like to thank you for another great school year at Groton Community School. As we reflect on this special 70th Birthday Year, it is amazing to consider all that we, as GCS families, have accomplished together: from the hard work of the Fall Fix-Up and Spring Spruce-Up,… Read More


16 Jun, 2016 | News from the Director Click to view this PDF

Linda Kitelet 2016-06

Planting Seeds “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap,  but by the seeds that you plant.”  (Robert Louis Stevenson)   Another wonderful year here at GCS has come to a close…with so many wonderful moments of joy and happiness, learning and discovery, and the making of many new friendships.  I hope you, as… Read More


03 May, 2016 | News from the Director Click to view this PDF

Kitelet 2016-04

Dear GCS Families, Oh how excited we are to welcome this beautiful sunshine and warm weather.  Our playground swings are full of young children pumping and laughing, bikes are being pedaled all around the trike track, and flowers and plants are beginning to emerge in our gardens.   Soon our planters will be full of tiny… Read More

On Board

27 Apr, 2016 | News from the Board of Directors Click to view this PDF

On Board Newsletter 2016-04

New Format for our Board of Directors Newsletter Our “On Board” newsletter from the Board of Directors highlights important dates and details for GCS families!  See our new, mobile friendly format and read about upcoming spring time events such as our Spring Spruce Up, classroom photos, and end-of-year Family Picnic.  We have a fundraising updates for… Read More


28 Feb, 2016 | News for our Community Click to view this PDF

Soaring 2016-02

GCS Past and Future Seventy years ago Adelaide (Torrey) Luca, one of the first teachers and directors of GCS, imagined a future for our community based on the fundamental values of teaching children kindness and caring for others, community awareness, and good citizenship. The Trustees of GCS know that the future of our community will be stronger and brighter if we continue to… Read More


27 Sep, 2015 | News for our Community Click to view this PDF

Soaring 2015-09

A Long, Rich History Groton Community School is proud to celebrate a long, rich history of serving children and families. It took many generous, visionary people to make the school what it was and continues to be today.  On September 24, 1945 “Groton Community Kindergarten” first opened its doors to 28 eager-to-learn children, ages three to six. The school was located in… Read More


07 Mar, 2015 | News for our Community Click to view this PDF

Soaring 2015-03

Innovation, Creation, and Exploration at GCS With support from our community investors, this school year GCS launched our new Innovation, Creation, and Exploration (I.C.E.) Grant program to provide funds to teachers for special programs and activities. The first round of grants, which aligned with the school’s 2014-2015 STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) theme, are already making new things possible for our children: Early… Read More