
On Board

18 Apr, 2021 | News from the Board of Directors Click to view this PDF

On Board April 18, 2021

Happy Spring! It is hard to believe that a year has passed since the pandemic changed the way we live our lives. Anniversaries are often a time for reflection, for celebrating successes or mourning losses. As the GCS Board of Directors President, I am very fortunate to have many successes to celebrate thanks to the creativity of… Read More


31 Mar, 2021 | News from the Director Click to view this PDF

Director Kitelet March 31, 2021

Dear GCS Families, The warmth of the sun, the sweet sound of the birds, and the beautiful smell of fresh grass and new buds… all signs that Spring has finally arrived.  Outside play is so much easier without the weight of heavy winter gear, and especially nice when we can just walk out our back… Read More


26 Feb, 2021 | News from the Director Click to view this PDF

Director Kitelet February 26, 2021

Dear Families, It has been wonderful to see so many smiling faces back at GCS after being closed for February break.  The weather was definitely eventful as it sure did snow, and sleet, and rain!  I guess it was a good week for the inclement weather.  Hopefully, many of you had the opportunity for some… Read More


29 Jan, 2021 | News from the Director Click to view this PDF

Director Kitelet January 29, 2021

Dear GCS Families: Happy 2021…a new year that we are all hoping will bring about good health and eventually, take us back to some sense of normalcy.  We are so proud to have been able to safely serve children and families amidst this crazy time.  Like the rest of the world, we are learning and… Read More


24 Nov, 2020 | News from the Director Click to view this PDF

Health and Safety at GCS 11-24-2020

November 24, 2020 Dear GCS Families, We are writing to express our gratitude to you for sharing your children with us this school year especially, and also to thank you for your partnership in keeping our GCS Community healthy and safe.   We are doing our best to ensure that Groton Community School stays open on… Read More


30 Oct, 2020 | News from the Director Click to view this PDF

Director Kitelet October 30, 2020

Dear GCS Families: We sure are beginning to feel the cool and crisp air that only the start of fall unveils.  Children in each of the classrooms are engaging in all that the seasonal changes bring.  The hard work of raking leaves, followed by the anticipation and feeling of delight one then gets when jumping… Read More


12 Oct, 2020 | News for our Community Click to view this PDF

Soaring - Annual Report October 2020

Still Soaring Fall 2020 LETTER FROM OUR LEADERSHIP This past school year certainly was like no other in Groton Community School’s seventy-five-year history. We started the year off strong in our temporary home and finished the year in our “own homes” for remote learning!  We frequently hear that we are living in  unprecedented times”.  While… Read More