Dear GCS Families,
Despite the craziness of these past several months, our year-end car parade last week was simply amazing! (See photos on our website.) It was wonderful to see so many of our GCS families again after such a long time apart and to celebrate an incredible year together. There was so much growth, so many friendships formed, and so many wonderful memories to cherish during out time together, both during the school year as well as remote learning. We couldn’t have been more honored by the tremendous turn out for this one last time together. The smiles, kind gestures, participation, and very creative car decorations warmed our hearts! Special thanks to Stasia Twomey, Lt. Sheridan, Officer Breslin, and Officer Connor for coordinating and facilitating the fun!
We followed our school-wide celebration up with a delicious, distanced staff picnic and are thankful to Maura and Peter Morrison for allowing us the use their beautiful pasture (granddaughter Nina is in MWF Yellow PM Program). And then finally, a highlight was a staff tour of the construction site at 110 Boston Road. Building has resumed! The roof is going on, utilities are being installed, and the building is beginning to take shape. Times are still unpredictable and uncertain, but for today, we are celebrating this milestone.
We once again want to thank you, our GCS Families, for your tremendous support, both financially and in terms of participation during these last few months. We wouldn’t have been able to offer such a rich and educational curriculum, remotely, without your dedication to your children and to our school. We hope that we touched your household daily with resources, guidance, support, connections, and curriculum. We know it was hard, to be teacher and parent, while also running a household and perhaps working. Whatever your situation and story, we applaud your strength and commitment.
Thank you to all of those who were able to give GCS feedback on the family survey that went out last month. Your feedback is crucial to our continued efforts to be the best that we can be and we depend on your insight and thoughts to keep growing and meeting the needs of our families and our community. As promised, we are sharing results with you: Family Survey 2019-2020 Summary. We will work together this summer to consider feedback, create goals, and celebrate all the wonderful things that make up Groton Community School.
For those families who are returning to GCS in the fall, we know that many of you may be anxious – as are we – as to what the fall will look like in many respects, and certainly for your child at school. We were very excited to welcome children and families back to GCS for our summer program! We are operating now with a small group of full day children, and will have oceans of fun in our “Under the Sea” theme. We are waiting to hear about updates in regulations and maximum group sizes for September. These state guidelines will certainly impact our programs, and we assure you that we will be in touch right away with families as soon as we have more information regarding early childhood centers under the Department of Early Education and Care.
In the meantime, please let us know if anything has changed with regard to your enrollment needs for the upcoming fall, as well.
Wishing all of our GCS Families a very happy and healthy summer!
Linda Kosinski, Director
We’d like to say thank to Stephanie Scalley and O’Connor Hardware in Billerica for soil, gravel, landscape cloth and pavers for GCS Summer Program gardening projects; to Mae Hopke for bubbles and wands; and to Anne Bradley of Bradley’s Boutique for child and staff “Under the Sea” masks.
Here are just a few highlights of our fabulous school-wide parade on June 25th… It was so wonderful to share in laughter and joy together once again! Thank you so much to all of our GCS Families!!