Enrollment Is Underway!
Even though winter is still here, and fall is months away, we are looking ahead to the next school year. It will be especially exciting to return to 110 Boston Road for the 2020-2021 school year!
Distributing children’s written Observation Forms and holding Parent Teacher Conferences occurs immediately before our registration process for the upcoming school year. We hope that the information shared through progress reports and conferencing with teachers, can give families guidance on their child’s development and placement options for the fall.
Enrollment forms for current families for the 2020-2021 school year are now being collected now through Friday, February 7th. Materials for the 2020-2021 school year, including extra forms for in-house siblings, are available at the front desk. . For your convenience, current families can access the Family Handbook, as well as other information on the GCS website.
Placements are made for our current families first, with a lottery system. Once our in-house enrollment is completed, additional spaces will be offered on a first-come, first served basis to children in our Enrollment Book (on our wait list). Families may choose for their child to be placed in our Enrollment Book after touring the school or attending our annual Open House, and paying a Pre-Enrollment Fee.
Kindergarten & Pre-K Information Night
Families, both in-house and in our community, are welcome to join us for an informative evening to learn more about our GCS Kindergarten & Pre-Kindergarten programs. Our Kindergarten & Pre-K Information Night will be held on Thursday, Feb. 6, 6:30 PM in the Big Room. This can be especially helpful for families deciding between an older three-day Preschool and five-day Pre-K, between a year in Pre-K versus moving on to Kindergarten, or between our GCS Kindergarten and another Kindergarten Program. Please sign up at the front desk if you plan to attend. Note however, this is an adult-only evening, please.
Open House
Our annual Open House is held on the first Sunday in March each year. Families are invited to join us this year on March 1st, from 1 to 3 PM at our temporary site at 14 Main Street, Groton. Attendees can meet our teachers, staff and Board of Directors, and learn more about the philosophy and programs we offer at Groton Community School.
No registration or RSVP is necessary.
Still Have Enrollment Questions?
As always, we are available for any questions you may have about your child’s enrollment. Just stop by the Front Desk, call, or email an administrator and we will be happy to help you!