A Partnership Between Home and School
When families are involved, everyone benefits (children, families, teachers and the school)! Groton Community School operates on a “modified cooperative” concept with respect to family involvement and participation. We value integration and cooperation between home and school. We believe that family members are resources that enable the school to give all of the children a richer school experience. We welcome family input and feedback throughout the school year.
Parents and guardians are asked to complete a Family Participation Form each year regarding involvement in the school. This Form lets us know about the interests and talents of families, and invites them to participate in the school in a wide variety of ways. Examples might include baking for special events, sharing a story, a hobby or professional skill in class, helping with gardening or landscaping, working on a fundraising project, or seeking more information about becoming a member of our school Board of Directors, to name a few. Volunteer opportunities are a tremendous way to help the school, but also provide an avenue to meet and share the experience with other families in the school.
Families are always welcome in their child’s classroom! Classes host special events for their families in addition to informal opportunities to spend time in class. We also sponsor and welcome families to attend school-wide events each year, such as our Peace Pole celebrations, Holiday Sing-a-Longs and Week of the Young Child special events. Our annual GCS Family Picnic is another fun school-wide social event that we look forward to each year.