Roll Up Your Sleeves!
Come meet up with GCS staff and other parents while we make the playground that you hear so much about shine!
Even an hour or two of your time will be a big help. In conjunction with fundraisers, the Spring Spruce-up is one of several ways GCS volunteers are able to keep tuition costs down. Volunteers will be helping to build a path way to “Sam’s Shed” and complete a variety of gardening and landscaping tasks.
Can’t make it Saturday but still want to contribute?! Email Laura Hankin and Jess Barie to contribute water bottles or snacks to keep the day-of work crew fueled!
Thank you from the GCS Building & Grounds Committee, and we hope to see you there!
Questions? Email Laura Hankin and Jess Barie at: buildingandgrounds@grotoncommunityschool.org