Forward Motion Campaign
Our vision…
…is now a reality!
Groton Community School has deep roots in the community, growing and flourishing with the children and families that we have served for decades. Now, we have embarked on a new growth endeavor in an exciting Forward Motion Project and Capital Campaign to renovate and expand the school.
We still need your support!!
The Forward Motion Campaign is continuing fundraising efforts to fully realize Phase One and help to make Phase Two a reality. Be a part of our future as we continue to grow!
Click to DONATE to our Forward Motion Campaign.
In the spirit of carrying our past into the future, we shared a Leave a Legacy Brick Campaign to support GCS’s Forward Motion Project. This campaign provided an opportunity for our school community to purchase inscribed bricks for our newly created walkway of remembrance and celebration.
UPDATE: The pathway hs been installed and looks beautiful!
While the first phase of brick ordering for our Leave a Legacy Brick Campaign has ended, stay tuned for a second phase for a Legacy Path on the other side of the building.
Thank you for all the contributions to our first phase! It is wonderful to walk down “memory lane” with you all!
Click MOVING FORWARD to see our progress!
The Moving Forward Photo Journal captures regular photos and notes regarding our construction project. It is exciting to see how things move from before to after in our renovation and expansion!
We began the public phase of our campaign in April 2018, with a special event to celebrate just how far we have come in the quiet phase of fundraising, and also to energize us for the road ahead! Click Kickoff to learn more about our Forward Motion Celebration in the fall of 2018.
We next took three giant steps forward in our Forward Motion. First, we made a temporary move to the former Country Day School, just down the street, which served as a temporary home for GCS while our current school site was under construction. We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who helped with our relocation, and to Lawrence Academy for their community spirit in helping us with this essential piece of the puzzle for our project.
Secondly, the 110 Boston Road site underwent construction from the fall of 2019 through December 2020. This was no small feet in light of the COVID-19 crisis, and included a temporary shut down of construction by the state. Through it all, we persevered and continued to move forward toward our goal.
Finally, we returned home to a brand new renovated and expanded site at the end of December, just in time to greet children and families after the Holiday Break! We owe a deep debt of gratitude to the many hands who helped us during the move, with donations of boxes and packing supplies, along with volunteer efforts to pack and unpack our school!
Phase One at the 110 Boston Road included enlarging and enhancing classrooms, constructing a dedicated Children’s Library and Technology Center, creating a Staff Room for collaboration and quiet moments, and building a welcoming reception area and conference spaces. The newly renovated, state of the art space welcomed GCS children at the start of the calendar year in January.
Phase Two of the project will involve the completion of a large multipurpose Community Room, and additional funding for staff support, financial aid for families, and building maintenance. The Community Room will provide much-needed space for large motor development, school-wide events, and community activities.
The future of our community will be stronger and brighter if we continue to offer children a preeminent Early Childhood Education experience steeped in our fundamental values. To achieve this, our Forward Motion Project is designed to enahnce learning and teaching spaces in the following ways:

Check back to see how our Forward Motion has taken root, budded, grown and blossomed. Or better yet, sign up for an Insider’s view. You will receive personal emails from our Campaign Chair with the very latest updates. See our Insider Updates Archive for what you may have missed.
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From its founding, the school’s mission has been to provide the most positive first school experience for children and their families. At the same time, our dedicated teachers are committed to instilling in our children the values of kindness and caring for others, community awareness, and good citizenship.
For a while, a familiar quote assured us that everything we needed to know we had learned in kindergarten. But the truth of the matter is that the basic building blocks of a vibrant, caring and engaged person begin forming before the tender age of two. Groton Community School has made a profound difference in the lives of children from their toddler and preschool years, to kindergarten, and beyond.
Learn about the history and future of our school in this video about our project:
Watch Forward Motion Committee Members on Around Town:
Click to see a second appearance about our Forward Motion on The Groton Channel’s Around Town!
Click to learn more about our most exciting online auction in the spring of 2022!
Linda Kosinski, Director
Groton Community School
110 Boston Road, Groton, MA 01450
“The Forward Motion Campaign secures the long-term health of our school and the community it serves by ensuring the financial strength and sustainability of our programs, staff, and facilities.” …Linda Kosinski, Director
Steering Committee Members
Kathleen Barron, Eric Bach, Daniel Barton, Christine Cline, John Conner, Jenn Greenwood, Thomas Horsman, Betsy Kehoe, Linda Kosinski, Stephen Lane, Beth Lindstrom, Deborah MacDonald, Terri Martin, Chuck McKinney, Robinson Moore, David Moulton, Deborah Penney, Lisa Stafford, Steve Webber, and Jolene Zukauskas.