Hello Spring 2024!

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Director Kitelet March 21, 2024

Dear GCS Families,

All of us here at GCS are so excited to welcome back spring!! How wonderful it is to have the warmer sunshine on our playground, and we are all loving that our swings are back in action and the structures are open once again for climbing and fun. It is especially exciting for both children and teachers to have fewer layers of clothing to get ready for outside play.

GCS Camp

With spring also comes our preparation for GCS Summer Camp. We are busy putting together information to share with families very soon. We will be hosting both full and half day options for fun in the sun, water play excitement, arts and crafts, and gardening exploration. Be on the lookout for registration information in your email, and let us know if you have any questions.

GCS Info

Our new Family Information Center has finally become available to families in the front lobby. Please take a look for family resources, GCS and community happenings, and special notifications. Also, feel free to leave a business card or flyer if you have services or events to share. Check in at the front desk if you have questions or need further assistance. While we do not generally promote town meeting information due to the number of towns that make up our GCS population, please take note that there is childcare available on March 26th at the Groton Dunstable Middle School for an upcoming town meeting for Groton residents in regard to education.

Curriculum Day Happenings

Many thanks to the Groton Community School Board of Directors for hosting a fun playdate at Millworks in Westford during last week’s Curriculum Day. GCS teaching staff were able to gather as a group for team building and collaboration, “Together We’re Stronger” theme training, and some planning for the upcoming planting and greenhouse season. While we know that it was a work day for many of you, we are grateful for the opportunity for training and teamwork as a school staff, and hope you were able to spend some time joining in on the fun at Millworks.

Music in the Air

We have a special treat for GCS families during April’s spring break. Children and families are invited to Groton Hill Music for a special tour and a hands-on introduction to instruments such as the flute, violin, piano, guitar and ukulele. There will be some fun activities for children, as well. Save the date: Wednesday, April 17th from 4-5 pm. Pete Robbins, the Director of Education and Programs at Groton Hill Music Center, will host the event and GCS Aqua Room Teacher, Jennie Fitzkee, will be there to assist. Please RSVP to events@grotoncommunity school.org by Friday, April 5th to attend.

WECO Hospitality

Remember the final week of GCS’s WECO month is coming to a close. There are some delicious dinners and side dishes to help make your meal-planning a little easier for the week. Log into WECO Hospitality and don’t forget to use the promocode “GrotonFundraiser to be sure GCS gets credit for 10% of your purchases for the month of March.

Thank You!

Thank you to the TTh AM Blue Room families for hosting Fun Friday for the Staff in February, along with the following volunteers who “Stocked the Staff Room”: Crystal Doherty, Peter Gollands, Princess Hernandez-Wilson, Abbey Lambert, Rhenise Lucot, Maggie Miller, Kaitie Noe, Bethany Reise, Luella Simakauskas, Erin Tito, and Liz Welch.

We’d also like to thank the FD Pre-K families for hosting Fun Friday in March, and to this month’s “Stock the Staff Room” helpers: Carrie Eubank, Brian Howell, Vijaya Jyoti, Caera Monahan, and Bethany Reis.

Thank you to our Open House volunteers who provided snacks for families: Laura Babin, Jessica Barie, Otonye Braide-Moncoeur, Kaitlyn Brokaw, Lindsay Guaraldi, Justine Mannix, Bethany Reis, Mai Tirella, and Laura Tomaino.

Thanks to the following families who made contributions to the school this month: To the Cai family for delicious pastries from China, the Forkel & Kuczer families for children’s books, and a special thank you to the Hankin family who raked out our sandbox to make it ready for Spring!

Happy Spring!

Linda Kosinski, GCS Director


Dates to Remember

Friday, March 29th

Good Friday

No School


Friday, March 29th

Square 1 Art Deadline


Monday, April 8th

Board Meeting

7:30 PM


Week of April 15th

Spring Break

No School


Wednesday, April 17th

GCS Family Day at

Groton Hill Music

4-5 PM


Saturday, April 27th

Spring Spruce-Up

Save the Date