K and Pre-K Information Night 2022
Thank you so much to current Groton Community Families for touching in with Teachers for our Parent and Teacher Conference Day via Zoom! It is always a wonderful day to highlight childrens’ successes, plan individual goals together, and discuss possibilities for the next school year.
We would like to offer an invitation to families considering our GCS Kindergarten or Pre-Kindergarten Programs to attend our annual Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten Information Night this Thursday, February 10th at 7 PM via Zoom.
We will highlight distinguishing characteristics for our GCS Kindergarten for families considering the option of Kindergarten, and help families deciding between Kindergarten and Pre-K, or between Pre-K and an older Preschool Program.
Please RSVP with your name and email address to the Front Desk at reg2@grotoncommunityschool.org or call (978-448-6179) by Thursday at 6 PM if you plan to attend. Zoom information will be shared with you by email!
Note: Attendance is not required in order to register for our either our Kindergarten or Pre-K Programs.