Session 2 Fun Has Begun!

harvesting basil

We truly are having “Oceans of Fun” with our campers this summer, and camp is going swimmingly!  Everyday, we dive in with our opening ceremony, and then we are off to water play adventures and creative camp activities.

A highlight of each session is “Nature with Shelley”, exploring a variety of nature topics in weekly classes.  Shelley has been an inspiration for gardening projects at GCS.  Children plant each spring, and campers get to reap the harvest each summer!  We planted many things from seed this time, then grew them in our greenhouse, before transplanting them on our playscape.  We are looking forward to our tomatoes, and our zucchini, cucumbers, and herbs are ready to pick.  We even have a pumpkin patch.  Campers made pasta pesto for snack recently, with our own homegrown basil, and it was absolutely delicious!  See our school Facebook page for more gardening photos!