Director Kitelet, November 2022Dear GCS Families, We hope you have been able to keep warm as we enter into this season of colder weather and festive celebrations here in New England. There is no better place to be than a school with young children to celebrate the magic and fun that comes during this time of year. Tunza As we close out the month of November, our teachers have worked hard to embrace opportunities in their curriculum that help to teach kindness, gratefulness, and giving. Thank you the many of you that helped to collect breakfast items to donate to the local food pantry, “Loaves and Fishes”. Together, we donated 284 pounds of food to share with those families who depend on this resource to supplement their nutrition. Most of us here don’t really have to worry about getting enough food for breakfast; in fact, we often have to find strategies to persuade and even sometimes bribe children to eat enough during meal time for good health and daily substance. It is so important to share and teach the values of sharing, caring of others, and perspective taking at this young age. Please continue to teach and guide your children during this time of year and beyond. As parents and guardians, you are your child’s best teacher!! Our year-long them of TUNZA (to treat with care or affection) fits in perfectly. Attached please take a peek at this month’s Kindness Calendar, December Kindness Calendar 2022 with some helpful ideas to guide you in this continuous endeavor. You can use these ideas, or substitute ones that are meaningful to your family. GCS Greenhouse
Chance Calendars
Health & Wellness And lastly, thank you for your continued partnership in helping us to monitor and keep the health and safety of our children, staff, and families as a priority. With COVID still lingering, elevated cases of RSV, the onset of flu season, and a slew of other colds and illness popping up, we appreciate your diligence in keeping y our children home when contagious, notifying the school with symptoms and questions, and wearing masks as a precaution when appropriate. Congratulations! Congratulations to the Hryniewich family on the birth of their daughter, Hayley (brother, Carter, is in the MWF AM Blue Room); to the Jarugumilli family on the birth of their daughter, Mayukha (brother, Karthi, is in the AM Pre-K Purple Room); and to the Wilson family on the birth of their daughter, Charlotte (sister, Caroline, is in the TTh FD Yellow Room). Thank You! Thank you to the following volunteers who provided snacks and beverages for our special Ribbon Cutting celebration this week: Jodi Amichetti, Jamie Caloggero, Beth Christoforo, Connor Dennehy, Heather Gertiesen, Lindsay Guaraldi, Kim Montilli, Chelsea Reyes, Stacy Scott, and Melissa Sulprizio. Thanks, also, to the GCS Board for “stocking the fridge” in our Staff Room this month. We would also like to thank the following for other donations this month: The Brokaw family for bubble wrap & a book; the Cook, Doyle, and Kramer families for treats for the Staff; and to the Braide-Moncoeur family for flowers for the front desk. Wishing you all a Happy Holiday season with your families! Linda Kosinski, GCS Director
Dates to RememberSunday, December 4th, Online Raise Right Gift, Card Orders Due Friday, December 9th, Curriculum Day. No School Monday, December 12th, Board Meeting – 7:30 PM Monday – Friday, December 26th – 30th, Holiday Break, No School Monday, January 2nd, New Year’s Day (observed), No School