Many Hands Make Light Work!
GCS parents, friends and community members are invited to join our annual event to tidy up our school grounds and playground with light landscaping, gardening and outdoor maintenance tasks.
To help at our Groton Community School’s Spring Spruce-Up 2017, this Saturday, April 29th 9 AM – 2 PM (rain date is Sunday, April 30, 12 – 5 PM), please click on the link below to sign-up online.
Whether you can stay for one hour or several, any time that you can contribute is greatly appreciated. No minimal skill level or experience is required. For safety reasons, adults only please.
In conjunction with fundraisers, the Spring Spruce-Up is one of several ways GCS volunteers are able to keep tuition costs down. We hope to see you there!
Click on our Spruce-Up Sign-Up for more info!