That Time of Year

Dear Families,

It is hard to believe that the school year is winding down, and it is that time of year when we begin to celebrate and share memories of our year together.  Classrooms are kicking it into high gear to finish up last-minute gifts and projects, and Year-End Observations were just sent home to families.  I hope you enjoyed reading about the wonderful growth and progress your child has made, special friendships they have formed, and perhaps even some goals for future growth.  Many exciting final classroom celebrations have been planned for the coming weeks at outdoor venues… hopefully the rainy weather is behind us.


Thank you to special guest, US Air Force Master Sergeant Michael Kennedy (father of Kelly in Pre-K & husband of Assistant Teacher, Jean, in Blue and Yellow classrooms), who spent time last Thursday morning with us as we gathered to commemorate Memorial Day together.  Sergeant Kennedy shared the meaning Memorial Day with us.  Did you know that Memorial Day was not always called “Memorial Day”?  It was called Decoration Day, because that is when family & friends decorated resting sites.  He also helped to lead us with the Pledge of Allegiance, place American Flags in our gardens, and join us in song for “God Bless America” and “Red, White and Blue.”  We are grateful for his time and his service.  While is it is always nice to have a long weekend together, it is also important for children to understand the meaning and purpose behind the time away from school.


We are very grateful to the Groton Friends of the Trees organization for donating a beautiful “Red Dragon” Japanese Maple to GCS, along with a children’s book about trees!  Special thanks also go to Tom Delaney and the Groton Department of Public Works, for planting our mighty little dragon!  Children in the Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten Classes wrote special thank you notes and serenaded Friends of the Trees members and DPW workers with this year’s theme song, “Our Roots Go Down”.  Afternoon Kindergarten children even created watercolor paintings of our new tree.  And speaking of trees, we started a new tradition here at GCS this May, to create a “Wish Tree”.  Each teacher and child dictated or wrote their wish on strips of fabric, color-coded by classroom, to adorn the maple tree by the sandbox.  It is absolutely stunning to see our colorful wishes blowing in the breeze, and so heartwarming that many wishes were for other people, and not just for ourselves.


As the country continues to take steps to open back up after quite a year of seclusion and health and safety regulations, GCS has also just been sent its own guidance, which is very detailed and particular to early childhood centers.  With just two weeks left of school, we have decided to keep things status quo to ensure the health and safety of children and teachers and to also ensure that we are able to have closure together, free of concerns and possible closures.  Thank you for understanding.  We will reassess things for our summer camp which begins on June 28th.


Also, on the horizon is our annual Family Survey. We do rely on your feedback and thoughts as we plan for the future.  We also know it has been a year like no other and appreciate your patience, support, and understanding in all that we have done to keep everyone safe and the school open.  Please keep an eye out for our year-end survey that will be emailed sometime next week.


For those of you who have graduations, Father’s Day, or other events to celebrate, the Board is offering a Scrip Gift Card Program which allows you to purchase from a wide array of gift cards for face value.  There is no additional cost to you, and all gift cards purchased will be delivered straight to GCS, so there is no work or time on your part. GCS is awarded a percentage of the sales.  Please go to and enter enrollment code AADF28BF18393 to order, or pick up an order form in the front reception area.


And finally, we are so grateful to board members, families, and staff who showed up on a busy Saturday afternoon to help us spread the 50 yards of special bark mulch under our new playground swing set.  The task was done in record time thanks to the many volunteers, and your children have been delighted in the opportunities to be on the new structure.  Many thanks go to Ross & Stella Andrews, Jen Burke, Jesse & Meagan Cotter, Emily & Pat Crouse, Kate Ferriola, David Giannetta, Noreen Keras, Kelly Lopez, Heidi May & Saoud Al-Tukhaim (Al), Caera Monahan, Michael Neff, Mike & Debbie Penney, Lisa Stafford, Dee Vizen, and Maciej Wiczynski.


We’d like to thank the following for their various contributions to GCS:  The Cassa family & Joan Caruso for children’s books, the Dewing family for spare clothing, the Kennedy family for spare shoes, the Morrison family for a children’s play grocery store, and to Karen Wiczynski & friend, Elizabeth Almeida from Fat Moon Mushrooms for compost for our GCS gardens.

Linda Kosinski, Director



Thursday/Friday, June 3rd & 4th, GCS Spirit Days

Monday, June 7th, SCRIP Orders Due

Monday, June 7th, Board Meeting – 7:30 PM

Tuesday & Wednesday, June 15th & 16th, Last Day of Classes

Monday, June 28th, Full Day Camp Begins