Our GCS Parent Social & Annual General Meeting…
…is held each year to meet and mingle with the GCS Board of Directors and to learn more about school-wide goals and accomplishments. Encouraging family involvement is a longstanding principle at Groton Community School, and we welcome family input and feedback to make our school the best it can be for children, families, staff and the community. Attendees will also have an opportunity to hear more about our Forward Motion Project to renovate and expand the 110 Boston Road site.
We hope you can join us for this adult gathering on Monday, October 7th, from 7:30 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. in the Big Room. There will be door prizes and light refreshments to enjoy, as well!
Please R.S.V.P and/or feel free to send questions to boardofdirectors@grotoncommunityschool.org.