Dear GCS Families,
The warmth of the sun, the sweet sound of the birds, and the beautiful smell of fresh grass and new buds… all signs that Spring has finally arrived. Outside play is so much easier without the weight of heavy winter gear, and especially nice when we can just walk out our back door and be on the playground. It is fabulous to see children zipping up and down our newly surfaced trike track, pedaling and racing to get to the other end. Oh, how we love our new space! Our Board Building and Grounds Coordinator, Emily Crouse, is in the process of organizing materials and contractors to tackle some much-needed playground upgrades and repairs as a result of our expansion project. It was so exciting to see the large tractor trailer arrive earlier this week as our new shiny swing set was unloaded. Thank you to Pat Crouse, Casey Freedman and Matt Ferriola for their time and muscle. Hopefully, if the weather cooperates, our contractors will finish up some grading and hydro seeding during April break. We have many playscape projects on the horizon and will be welcoming extra helping hands. Be on the lookout for some dates and times that you could lend us your time – no special talents necessary.
A reminder that samples of your child’s amazing “Square 1 Art” project went home early last week. It is such a fabulous opportunity to purchase beautiful keepsakes and celebrate your child’s artistic talent. Orders can be submitted at All orders are due by the end of today to arrive in time for Mother’s Day.
Opportunities for staff development and training is something on which we pride ourselves here at GCS. We make it a priority to constantly challenge, engage, and inspire our staff to be the best that it can be for their own development, but also to benefit our families and children. We are so grateful for two recent opportunities. Thank you to past GCS parent and Board President, Amy Lovell Kelly, for sharing her support and knowledge surrounding children’s early literacy development, as well as helping us to identify, guide and support young children when “red flags” and concerns may arise. And also, a tremendous thank you to our current GCS Board President and Licensed Social Worker, Cindi Lane-Hand, for spending an evening Zoom with us on “Resilience during COVID: Coping Strategies for Children, Staff, and Families.” We recognize fully that this year’s circumstances have put many new and unusual stresses on our entire community here at GCS. We are grateful to all of you for supporting us and entrusting us with your children. We also engaged in staff development activities related to our “Roots and Wings” school-wide theme, and teambuilding activities on our Curriculum Day.
Registration has been quite the process this year. While we are still under state licensing and local health guidelines, we have been trying to predict ahead to see what provisions will still be in place next fall. This really dictates our class numbers, staffing, and our ability to mix groupings. We anticipate things will continue to be quite restrictive, and our registration is reflective of this. In-house acceptance letters have been distributed and deposits are coming due. Please let us know if we can answer any further questions or help guide you in any way. Our Summer Camp Program is equally as complicated; but rest assured, we are working on that registration process as well and will be sharing it with our families later in April.
Congratulations to the Paulson family on the birth of their son, Axel (sister, Soren, is in the Pre-K class).
A special thanks to the following volunteers for providing food & beverages for our recent Curriculum Day: Jodi Amichetti, Jen Burke, Kristen Frank, Jena Fritz, Jessica Larrabee, Elizabeth Lee, Colleen Neff, Erin Rauker, Christine Seero, and Melissa Sulprizio.
We would also like to thank the following families for their various donations to the school: The Cassa & Halloran families for spare clothing; the Doherty, Harris & Pendal families for books; the Engstrom family for crib sheets; the Fritz & Walch families for diapers; Debbie MacDonald for Staff snacks & pet supplies; Julianna Perrissinotto for a children’s stepstool; Anne Rath for curriculum materials & games; Bill Rochefort (Phoenix Screen Printing) for t-shirts; and the Wiczynski family for Staff snacks, curriculum materials, games & crib sheets.
Happy spring!
Linda Kosinski, Director
Wednesday, March 31st: Square 1 Art Orders Due
Friday, April 2nd: NO SCHOOL – Good Friday
Monday, April 12th: Board of Director’s Meeting – 7:30 PM
Monday – Friday, Apr. 12 – 16: GCS Celebrates the Week of the Young Child
Monday – Friday, April 19 – 23: NO SCHOOL – Spring Vacation