Dear GCS Families,
Well, the wintry weather has begun to join us with early morning frost, cold temperatures, and darkness coming very early in the day. The first snowfall is on the horizon, and the children can’t wait. We are readying our sledding hill for snow tubes and preparing to tie up our swings and close up the climbing structures until spring. The change of season always takes a lot of preparation. Welcome to the season of being thankful and giving.
Thank You for the Support
Thank you for the tremendous support during our Halloween PJ Days. We set a record this year by collecting 270 pounds of breakfast food items to donate to the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry in Devens. The volunteers were so excited when the GCS delivery showed up to reload their shelves. In addition, we also collected several boxes of your excess Halloween candy for Operation Troop Support. We so appreciate all of your help and support to make these two endeavors so successful. The timing was just perfect, and it certainly helps to reinforce the empathy and caring that we work so hard to instill in your children. They learn by seeing and doing and are fast becoming expert “bucket fillers!” Keep in mind that we are all learning and reinforcing these important lessons, and everyone does so at a different pace. Preschool is about practicing, making mistakes, and feeling accepted.